Sunday, 29 March 2015

Design Matlab filter with cutoff frequency

Design a simple set of filter coefficients, apply it to a test signal:

320 samples at 48kHz for a sum of two sinusoids (1000Hz + 15000 Hz)

sample_rate = 48000;
nsamples = 256;

F = [1 15] * 1000;
A = [1 0.5];

% Time vector - use colon operator to generate integer vector of sample
% numbers
t = (0:nsamples-1) / sample_rate;

% Test signal - use matrix notation to compose it with single expression
signal = A * sin(2*pi*F'*t);

FIR filter

Assume a lowpass filter with cutoff frequency of 6 kHz.
The expectation is this should filter out the 15 kHz component from the test signal

% Choose filter cutoff frequency (6 kHz)
cutoff_hz = 6000;

% Normalize cutoff frequency (wrt Nyquist frequency)
nyq_freq = sample_rate / 2;
cutoff_norm = cutoff_hz / nyq_freq;

% FIR filter order (i.e. number of coefficients - 1)
order = 28;

% Create lowpass FIR filter through a direct approach: provide
% (normalized) cutoff frequency and filter order (assumed as known).
% fir1 takes care of designing the filter by imposing the constraints in
% the frequency domain and transforming back to time using a given window
% (the dafault used here is the Hamming window).
% For more advanced requirements see e.g. firpmord and firpm
% NOTE: fir1, firpmord and firpm all require Signal Processing Toolbox
fir_coeff = fir1(order, cutoff_norm);

% Analyse the filter using the Filter Visualization Tool
fvtool(fir_coeff, 'Fs', sample_rate)

% Filter the signal with the FIR filter
filtered_signal = filter(fir_coeff, 1, signal);

Plot the Signals
Also align filtered signal with original and discard transient samples (in this case the first order samples)

% Group delay as a scalar, in number of samples
group_delay = median(grpdelay(fir_coeff));

% Group delay in seconds
group_delay_s = group_delay / sample_rate;

% Plot the original signal...
plot(t, signal)
% ...and allow adding more plots
hold on

% Align and plot the filtered signal
% (On top of existing one)
plot(t-group_delay_s, filtered_signal, 'r-')

% Align and plot only the d6esired part of the filtered signal (discarding
% the transient)
plot(t(order:end)-group_delay_s, filtered_signal(order:end), ...
    'g', 'LineWidth', 4);

grid on
hold off

Saturday, 28 March 2015

Writing Latex in Ubuntu 14.04

1. Install TexMaker from Ubuntu Software Center
it will automatically install textlive-latex-extra which is the main package for latex

2. Need install fonts to build PDF from tex file
$ sudo apt-get install texlive-fonts-recommended

Now we can use TexMaker to compile a tex file.

Friday, 27 March 2015

Compiling C/C++ with Eclipse in Mac OSX 10.10

1. Install a VMWare Player and build a MAC OSX 10.10 as the following link:

2. Download Eclipse CDT for MacOS 64 bits

3. Download Oracle JDK 7 for MacOS 64 bit. Install Java

4. Install Xcode from Apple Store (maybe not necessary because we will use different GCC version)

5. Install Macports. This tool is useful to install the other tools

6. Install GCC4.9 (the current latest version):
$ sudo port selfupdate
$ sudo port install gcc49
$ sudo port select --set gcc mp-gcc49

7. To compile a C++ project from OSX 10.10 that can run for lower OSX version we need:

7.1  add option for compiler such as: -mmacosx-version-min=10.5
7.2 add standard library in linker such as: -stdlib = libstdc++

8. Now we can build the project.